Quixotic Imagery in Ideological Mythmaking


  • Oleksandr Pronkevych




Ideology, ideological mythmaking, archetype, word-progenitor, quixotic discourse, Romantic Don Quixote


Each ideology has its own system of symbolic representation, which contributes to establishing hegemonies in the minds of human beings in the struggle with other ideologies. Literary imagery is an important part of ideological mythmaking. It provides creators of ideologies with lists of authors, citations, and characters of famous works of verbal art, which become icons of certain political, religious, esthetical values, beliefs, and principles. However, the semiotic mechanism of converting literary imagery into ideological myths is not clear. To address this question this paper focuses on the case of Don Quixote, as Cervantes’s protagonist has become the front man of numerous ideologies that contradict each other.


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How to Cite

Pronkevych, O. (2016). Quixotic Imagery in Ideological Mythmaking. Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal, (3), 187–196. https://doi.org/10.18523/kmhj73953.2016-3.187-196