Cordocentrism and Natural Philosophy of Hryhorii Skovoroda in the Poetry of “Silent Poets”


  • Olha Sharahina



cordocentrism, natural philosophy, “silent poetry”, lyrical silence, existential loneliness


The article has examined the influence of cordocentrism and natural philosophy of Hryhorii Skovoroda on the formation of worldviews and aesthetic program of “silent poets.” The motive and figurative constants of “silent poets,” the specifics of the creation of their poetic universe through the conceptual system of cordocentric and natural philosophical codes are clarified. It is proved, that in the poetry of Iryna Zhylenko, Svitlana Yovenko, Anatolii Kychynskyi, Volodymyr Pidpalyi, Liudmyla Skyrda, Leonid Talalai, Pavlo Movchan, Dmytro Cherednychenko the image of the heart became a symbol, which emphasized the spirituality of human, formed by the humanistic attitude to the world. The dominant place in the poetic creativity of “silent poetry” was occupied by the sensual imperative: love, love for relatives, and the native land. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the natural world endowed the lyrical hero of “silent poets” with mental harmony and freedom of choice, conditioned by moral foundations and beliefs, independent of the political situation of the second half of the 20th century.


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How to Cite

Sharahina, O. (2022). Cordocentrism and Natural Philosophy of Hryhorii Skovoroda in the Poetry of “Silent Poets”. Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal, (9), 212–221.