Author and Authorship in Dymytriy Tuptalo’s Lives of the Saints
author, authorship, Lives of the Saints, rewriting, paraphrase, metaphraseis, menologionAbstract
The Lives of the Saints compendium by Dymytriy Tuptalo belongs to a special type of rewritten literature representing a collection of already existing and retold texts. The paper discusses how numerous authors, often distanced in time, can coexist within one text. It focuses on the combination of various (medieval and early modern) approaches in the gathering of a hagiographical collection, as well on Tuptalo’s individual traits as a hagiographer-compiler, his original source processing, and his collaboration with predecessors. The paper attempts to reveal the characteristic features of the compendium that provide a better understanding of the concept of the author and authorship in the process of metaphraseis.References
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