Key Dates in the History of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy


  • Maksym Iaremenko



Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, periodization, secular and theological education, reforms in education, university, early modern Ukraine


The researchers of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries defined its periodization and the important dates in its history. Their ideas are still relevant today as each system of periodization represents interpretations of certain events and phenomena of the Academy. In this article, two key dates of Kyiv-Mohyla history, 1701 and 1817, are redefined. The first date is analysed, accenting the change of the legal status of the Kyiv Collegium and its transformation into the Academy. In the second case, historians’ ideas of defining the nature of the Kyiv-Mohyla curriculum differ, either in the interpretation of 1817 as the end of the history of the old Academy or as only one of the stages of its past. Perhaps in establishing important chronological boundaries, both groups of scholars are mistaken in their interpretations of the larger context of the question.


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How to Cite

Iaremenko, M. (2015). Key Dates in the History of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal, (2), 31–41.