Biblical Studies at the Kyiv Theological Academy (19th — early 20th Centuries): The Results and Prospects of the Research
Bible, Bible studies, Bible education, theology, religious studies, Kyiv Theological AcademyAbstract
This article presents a multiyear study undertaken by the author in a number of his research articles and monographs. For the first time in Ukrainian academic studies, the historical and theoretical reconstruction of biblical studies at the Kyiv Theological Academy in the 19th and early 20th centuries has been accomplished. This phenomenon is demonstrated and reviewed as a holistic system of research, instructional, theological, apologetic, religious and educational activity. Therefore, the history of biblical studies, as a specific academic discipline, has been singled out in the Ukrainian religious studies and theology of today. A large number of previously unexplored publications, documents, archival material, etc. have been introduced into academic use and significantly expanded the body of sources that can be used for research in biblical studies and theology in general. It significantly improves the current level of study of theology and the humanities in Ukraine in the 19th and early 20th centuries. At the same time, it expands the prospects for modern Ukrainian education, both secular and theological.References
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