Kyiv Academic Philosophers of the 19th Century: Dialog with Kant about Education
Kyiv academic philosophy, history of philosophy, philosophy of education, Kant’s anthropology, Pamfil Yurkevych, Markellin Olesnytskyi, Kyiv Theological Academy, St. Vladimir’s UniversityAbstract
This article attempts to present the dialogue between 19th – century Kyiv academic philosophers and Kant regarding the issues related to the “pedagogical paradox” formulated in his Lectures on Pedagogy.
The main finding is the specific contributions made by Kyiv academics to Kant’s reasoning about education. Such a peculiarity was defined by the educational paradigm based on the requirements of the Charters of the Russian theological academies, which mandated that all philosophical doctrines be considered from the perspective of Orthodox Christian dogma. This approach led to the recognition of the child’s full right to humanity, thereby reinforcing Kant’s postulate on the universal significance of education. Simultaneously, it expanded the possibilities for overcoming the contradiction of the pedagogical paradox, allowing Kyiv academic philosophers to pose a fundamental question about how to create a space of freedom in education.
By acknowledging the capacity for moral freedom as inherent in the child’s nature, the strategic logic of pedagogical interaction in the reasoning of Kyiv academics shifted from Kant’s “active expectation” – where the child intellectually matures to understand moral ideas – to a logic of “interactive support,” where educators assist the child in realizing their personhood through accessible forms of moral activity. Consequently, within the context of these discussions, the theme of pedagogical creativity emerged prominently in the Kyiv philosophical and pedagogical discourse of the 19th century, underscoring the impossibility of standard solutions in a field where freedom and necessity are constantly negotiated.
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