The Theoretical Background of Understanding Urban Identity in the Anthropological Perspective


  • Maksym Karpovets National University of Ostroh Academy, Department of Cultural Studies, Ukraine



Urban identity, cultural landscape, everyday life, anthropology, urban anthropology, philosophical anthropology, philosophy


In the article, the theoretical background of the interpretation of urban identity is given using examples from anthropological studies. Urban identity is interpreted in terms of corporeality, memory and history of the city, and community. It is interpreted as a conflict of own and alien, anonymous and public, unique and secondary parts inside the cultural space of identity. The anthropology of the city offers a range of perspectives in the interpretation of identity, particularly in the context of corporeality. Another important thing is the cultural connection with history and memory. The defining fea­ture of identity is the way of creating its own (hi)story of the city. Urban identity also appears to be the preservation of the symbolic capital of the city, including certain values, customs, rules, legends etc. Moreover, it gives rise to a permanent exploration of sustained ways of its transmission to the next generations. The findings of different anthropological studies illustrate the complex character of the phenomenon and intro­duce possible theoretical frames for further understanding.


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How to Cite

Karpovets, M. (2014). The Theoretical Background of Understanding Urban Identity in the Anthropological Perspective. Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal, (1), 77–93.