Kyiv in the Global Biblical World: Reflections of KTA Professors From the Second Half of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries


  • Sergiy Golovashchenko



Bible, Bible studies, Biblical world, European civilization, modernization, Kyiv Theological Academy


The focus of this article is the global and European experience of the reception, assimilation, and social application of the Bible, reproduced in the works of a number of prominent Kyiv Theological Academy (KTA) representatives from the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The analysis specifically covers the works of professors Stefan Solskyi, Kharysym Orda, Nikolai Drozdov, Afanasii Bulgakov, Mykola Makkaveiskyi, Vasylii Pevnytskyi, Arsenii Tsarevskyi, Volodymyr Rybinskyi, Dmytro Bohdashevskyi, and Aleksandr Glagolev. The author uses the metaphor of the Biblical world to describe the historically developed spiritual and cultural component of the European world, for which the Bible played the role of a normative and symbolic core. Affiliation with the Biblical world — as a way of broad social application of the Bible and assimilation of the norms and public behaviors sanctioned by this text — was and still is a stable symbolic marker as well as a cultural and ideological factor of integration with European civilization. The historical panorama of the reception of Biblical knowledge and the inculturation of Biblical morality by Christianized nations, reproduced in the writings of Kyiv academics, is presented as a field of centuries-old intercultural contacts and active inter-confessional interaction, and as an important ideological and moral factor of the socio-political integration and development of civil society. The issues addressed by Biblical studies in Europe and the rest of the world and considerations and solutions prompted by these issues proved to be fruitful for both the academic research and public practices in which academics of the Kyiv Theological Academy were engaged. The past and modern foreign experience related to the inculturation of the Bible was interpreted by the Kyiv researchers in the local context, more specifically,
in the modernization attempts of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Therefore, the reflection of European and worldwide experience, though not fully implemented, was productive and was a potential factor that could have contributed to the European modernization of Kyiv cultural and religious life of the time and its integration into the global Biblical World.


Bogdashevskii, D. I. “Bibliografiia: G. S. Chamberlen ‘Yavlenie Khrista,’ perev. s nem., izd. tretie, SPb, 1907; I. Sazerlend. ‘Sviashchennye knigi Vetkhogo i Novogo Zaveta. Ikh proiskhozhdenie, razvitie i kharakter.’ S. Pb., 1907; Ernest Renan. ‘Zhizn Iisusa’; Ad. Garnak ‘Sushchnost khristianstva.’ Perev. s nem., Moskva, 1906.” TKDA 9 (1907): 139–55.

Bogdashevskii, D. I. “Bibliografia: O. Pfleiderer. ‘Vozniknovenie khristianstva.’

Perevod G. F. Lvovicha. S-Peterburg, 1910, 175 str.; Adolf Deissmann. ‘Licht vom Osten. Das Neue Testament und die neuentdeckten Texte der Hellenistischrömischen Welt.’ Tübingen 1909. I+IX+376.” TKDA 2 (1911): 290–98.

Bogdashevskii, D. I. “Evangelie kak osnova zhizni (po povodu sovremennykh sotsialnoekonomicheskikh voprosov) [The Gospel as the Basis of Life (On Contemporary Socio-Economic Issues)].” TKDA 4 (1906): 547–76.

Bogdashevskii, D. I. “Sovremennye vragi Kresta Khristova [Modern Enemies of the Cross of Christ].” TKDA 10 (1908): 273–85.

Bulgakov, A. “Chetyriokhsotletie Novoi istorii [The Fourth Century of the New History].” TKDA 9 (1893): 106–07.

Bulgakov, A. “Ideal obchchestvennoi zhizni po opredeleniiu katolicheskogo,

reformatskogo i luteranskogo veroispovedanii [The Ideal of Social Life by Definition of the Catholic, Reformed, and Lutheran Faiths].” TKDA 9 (1891): 86–102.

Bulgakov, A. “Iz zagranichnoi religioznoi zhizni [Foreign Religious Life].” TKDA 10 (1893): 282–92.

Glagolev, A. A. “Mnimoe prorochestvo Vetkhogo Zaveta o Rossiiskoi Gosudarstvennoi Dume [The Imaginary Prophecy of the Old Testament on the Russian State Duma].” TKDA 12 (1905): 660–63.

Glagolev, A. A. “Neprekhodiaschee znachenie Vetkhogo Zaveta. Bibliologicheskaia zametka na: Die bleibende Bedeutung des Alten Testaments, von Emil Kautzsch, Tübingen und Leipzig [The Lasting Importance of the Old Testament. Bibliological Article on: Die bleibende Bedeutung des Alten Testaments, von Emil Kautzsch, Tübingen und Leipzig].” TKDA 11 (1902): 491–504.

Glagolev, A. A. “Novosti nemetskoi literatury po bibleiskoi arkheologii [News in German Literature on Biblical Archeology].” TKDA 11 (1901): 466–74; 12 (1901): 610–18.

Glagolev, A. A. “Sedmoi vsemirnyi sionistskii kongress v yevreistve [The Seventh World Zionist Congress in Jewry].” TKDA 2 (1906): 328–41.

Glagolev, A. A. “Sionistskoe dvizhenie v sovremennom yevreistve i otnoshenie etogo dvizheniia k vsemirno-istoricheskoi zadache bibleiskogo Izrailia [The Zionist Movement in Modern Judaism and the Relation of this Movement to the Global Historical Objective of Biblical Israel].” TKDA 4 (1905): 513–65.

Glagolev, A. A. “Vetkhii Zavet i yego neprekhodiaschee znachenie v khristianskoi Tserkvi [The Old Testament and Its Lasting Importance for the Christian Church].” TKDA 11 (1909): 353–80; 12 (1909): 517–50.

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Drozdov, N. “Zaprosy sovremennoi zhizni v otnoshenii k bogoslovskoi nauke [The Demands of Modern Life in Relation to Theological Studies].” TKDA 10 (1885): 210–30.

Makkaveiskii, N. “Religiia i narodnost kak osnova vospitaniia [Religion and Nationality as the Basis of Education].” TKDA 11 (1895): 428–72.

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Orda, Kh. M. “Apologeticheskaia i polemicheskaia literatura na Zapade protiv

sochineniia Ernesta Renana ‘Vie de Jesus’ [Apologetic and Polemic Literature in

the West Versus Ernest Renan’s Vie de Jesus].” TKDA 9 (1864): 71–160.

Orda, Kh. M. “Obozrenie inostrannoi dukhovnoi literatury [Review of Foreign Spiritual Literature].” TKDA 10 (1864): 237–60.

Pevnitskii V. “Ob otnoshenii k Tserkvi nashego obrazovannogo obshchestva (Publichnoe chtenie) [On the Attitude Towards the Church in Our Educated Society (Public Readings)].” TKDA 2 (1902): 235–68.

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Solskii, S. M. “Kratkii ocherk istorii Sviaschennoi bibliologii i ekzegetiki [Overview of the Story of Holy Bibliology and Exegetics].” TKDA 10 (1866): 157–90; 11 (1866): 305–42; 12 (1866): 466–506.

Solskii, S. M. “Obozrenie trudov po izucheniiu Biblii v Rossii s XV veka do nastoiashchego vremeni [Review of Research Works on the Bible in Russia from the 15th Century to the Present].” Pravoslavnoe obozrenie 1.2 (1869): 190–221; 1.4 (1869): 538–77; 1.6 (1869): 797–822.

Solskii, S. M. “Ob uchastii imperatora Aleksandra I v izdanii Biblii na russkom yazyke [The Participation of Aleksandr I in the Publication of the Bible in the Russian Language].” TKDA 1 (1878): 172–96.

Solskii, S. M. “Ostrozhskaia Bibliia v sviazi s tseliami i vidami yeia izdatelia [The Ostroh Bible in Connection with the Intentions and Views of Its Publisher].” TKDA 7 (1884): 293–320.

Solskii, S. M. “Tserkovno-prikhodskaia shkola [The Church Parish School].” TKDA 9 (1886): 146–62.

Solskii, S. M. “Upotreblenie i izuchenie Biblii v Rossii ot krescheniia Rusi i do 15 v. [The Usage and Study of the Bible in Russia from the Christianization of Rus Through the 15th Century].” Pravoslavnoe obozrenie 27.10 (1868): 145–80; 27.11 (1868): 251–70.

Tsarevskii, A. S. “Bibleiskaia literatura istekshego 1882 goda na zapade. Novyi Zavet [Biblical Literature of 1882 in the West. New Testament].” TKDA 12 (1883): 685–700.

Tsarevskii, A. S. “Bibleiskaia literatura istekshego 1882 goda na zapade. Vetkhii Zavet [Biblical Literature of 1882 in the West. Old Testament].” TKDA 9 (1883): 109–22.

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Voronov, A. “Zametki iz tserkovnoi zhizni Zapada (otritsatelnye napravlenia v

sovremennom khristianstve) [Notes on the Church Life of the West (Negative

Trends in Modern Christianity)].” TKDA 6 (1866): 231–54.




How to Cite

Golovashchenko, S. (2018). Kyiv in the Global Biblical World: Reflections of KTA Professors From the Second Half of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries. Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal, (5), 37–59.