Cultural Revolution: Mykhail Semenko, Ukrainian Futurism and the “National” Category
Mykhail Semenko, Ukrainian Futurism, Cultural Revolution, Avant-GardeAbstract
This paper examines Mykhail Semenko’s Futurist manifestos that developed an opposition between “national” and “international” art, and specifically called “national” art provincial and retrograde. In promoting the international European avant-garde, Semenko’s essays demonstrate how consistently he championed a contemporary and modern Ukrainian culture in the face of home-grown conservatism.References
Ilnytzkyj, Oleh S. Ukrainian Futurism, 1914–1930: A Historical and Critical Study. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1997.
Semenko, Mykhail. Derzannia. Poemy [Bravado. Poems]. Kyiv: Kvero, 1914.
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Semenko, Mykhail. “Mirkuvannia pro te, chym shkidlyvyi ukrainskyi natsionalizm dlia ukrainskoi kultury, abo chym korysnyi internatsionalizm dlia nei zh [Reflections About Why Ukrainian Nationalism is Bad for Ukrainian Culture, or, Why Internationalism is Good for It].” Bumeranh 1 (1927): 3–12.
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